The Changes:
- You can now save notes!
- Notes load & sync locally using SQLite3
- Created SQLManager class and unit-tests for it.
- You can change the hierarchy of notebooks
- File»New - a new way to create notes, notebooks and tags
- Creation shortcut keys - New Note (Ctrl+n), New Notebook (Ctrl+Shift+n), New Tag (Ctrl+Alt+n).
This marks a very important milestone. The main functionality in the desktop app is complete. I will now begin working on connecting the back-end API with the desktop app.
After that is complete I only really have to iron out some bugs and add a settings page.
As for bugs, it’s mainly all on improving the reliability of the Escriba text editor. This means creating more unit-tests to ensure that bi-directional rich-text/markdown conversion is consistent.
As for the settings page, I would like to provide some useful features for users to customize the desktop app. There won’t be a ton of customization in the first version of the app but will be more in-depth later on.
Stay tuned for a pre-alpha release - where you can start playing around with Escriba and sending over feature requests.